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Religious Church home decoration stone marble Mary statue

About The Holy Mary statue

Some non-founded chores and Christian Protestants believe that the Catholic Church's ritual expresses a worship attitude towards Maria. Because Catholics and Christians both believe that the word worship can only be used for worship of God, there are also some. Catholics believe that a small number of Christians who Christian Protestant say that Catholicism worships the Virgin is an attack on Catholic beliefs. Traditionally, the Catholic Church opposed the use of the word worship to describe the attitude towards the Virgin, and they used respect or salute. In Catholicism, there is a very important prayer ritual called the rose scripture prayer, which is to achieve the purpose of meditation and self -purification through the fifteen major events of the Virgin. The rose was formed in the 15th century and was recognized by the Holy See in 1495. It was a quite complicated way of prayer.

In Catholicism, there is a very important prayer ritual called the rose scripture prayer, which is to achieve the purpose of meditation and self -purification through the fifteen major events of the Virgin. The rose was formed in the 15th century and was recognized by the Holy See in 1495. It was a quite complicated way of prayer.

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