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Church decoration stone marble Jesus Christ statue

About The Church decoration marble Jesus Christ statue

The main life stories of Jesus are recorded in the four gospels. According to the traditional view of Christianity, the four gospels are the "common witness" of the four apostles. The events related to Jesus' life mainly included birth, baptism, temptation, calling the twelve apostles, climbing the mountain, practicing miracles, being rejected, entering Jerusalem, cursing the fig tree, the last supper, arrest, trial, nailing, resurrection, and ascension.


Christianity believes that Jesus is the son of the Father of God, the Creator. The universe and people are created by the Father. The name of the first man created by the Lord was Adam, and God created Adam's wife Eve. But he disobeyed the command of the Father of God and ate the fruit of the tree of good and evil, which the Father forbade. This is a great sin. Therefore, Adam and Eve were punished by God, that is, they lost God's favor and surrendered to the right to death. It turned out that Adam and Eve could live forever and enjoy happiness in paradise without worry. After committing crimes, they were driven out of paradise and could barely make a living through hard work. As Pope Paul VI said, they live in justice and virtue (the Book of Belief of the Son of God).

1. We have in stock more than 20 different designs for the Christian statue

2. For the stock statue, we can give a very good price based on the best quality, it can save money and time for both of us.

3. We can arrange shipment and we supply free insurance for every one of our statues.

4.  All of the statues are made of Grade A marble, granite, sandstone, and travertine.

Of course, there are many other popular designs of statues, such as bronze statues, stainless steel sculptures, and fiberglass sculptures. I am sure you can choose some you are preferred from the thousands of designs.

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